About Me

Hello, I am Rachel, and I am clueless about life as everyone else on this Earth.

I have no idea on where I am heading to but along the journey, I have discovered some of my interest and passion where it brings me nothing but joy, the ones that I did not even know of.

Eat. Play. Sweat.

I used to hate cooking until I found the joy of preparing healthy food for myself. I am still a newbie in cooking and I suck at plating food. The only food that I am good at making is overnight oats. Any tips in cooking healthy food? Please let me know and save my BF from eating more overnight oats. 🍲

I am a travel bug and being able to travel around the world means a lot to me. I love exploring new places and capturing memories. My travel buddy is my BF and we have been traveling the world since 2014. Know of any great places to visit? E-mail me, I would like to know more about it. 🌏

There is only one place where you can find me after work which is the gym. I am obsessed with the gym and I love to work out. I don't work out to be skinny, instead I work out to be stronger and healthier. I enjoy every sweat sessions at the gym and I love trying out new classes just to challenge myself and to improve my fitness level. I am a regular in classes like Bodypump, SH'BAM, Bodycombat, Bodyjam, Zumba and Hot Yoga. Anyone who needs a workout buddy? I'm here. 🙋

So yeah, these are the three main things that make up my life. Not quite sure about anything else but for now, let's just stick to these.

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