Monday 9 January 2017

# diary # random

Life In General

Hello Bloggies!

Happy New Year and I hope everyone had a great new year celebration over the long weekend.

How is the new year doing so far? How has 2017 been treating you guys so far?

I have just turned 25 last month and WOAH! Where has the time gone? I have been living on this Earth for 25 years now and that is like a quarter of a century (mind blown). I feel like I just celebrated my 21st birthday not long ago; time does fly.

After living on this planet for 25 years, have had my ups and downs but I will still not consider myself wise but definitely, I have learned some valuable lessons along the way.

Beware: lengthy post coming up!
You have been warned. 😝

Here are some of the 25 lessons that I have learned throughout the years:

1. Just do it.
Ever thought about doing something that you have been wanting to do since like forever? Why don't you just do it?

Yeah, why don't I just do it?

I understand thoughts like "what if I am not good enough?" or "what if I fail?" have somehow crossed your mind but have you ever thought about what if you succeed? Life is too short for too many "what ifs". If you didn't do it, you would not know the outcome and sitting there thinking about more "what ifs" would not help either.

"I am not ready for this", guess what? No one is ever ready for something in life, you just do it. If you want to do it, do it. That's it.

Be like Nike, just do it.

2. Being happy is all that matters.
Life is short, real short and why would you want to spend your whole life living in sadness?

If there is even a slight chance of getting something that will make you happy, risk it. Life is too short and happiness is too rare.

Think about it.

3. Seize every opportunity.
Great opportunities don't come everyday and if you are lucky enough to bump into one, seize it! It might be scary to you at first but you will never know where that opportunity might take you to. Why not just seize it and let it take you to wherever you are meant to be.

4. Everything happens for a reason.
"If only I knew the reason".

Uh-uh, nope, life doesn't work in that way. Sometimes you just don't need to know what the reason is, just believe everything happens for the good. Life has a mysterious way of working things out, either good or bad, it will always bring you to where you are meant to be. Maybe it will take a while for you to understand why things just happen but eventually, you will understand.

5. Don't rush yourself into a relationship.
Relationship can always wait, there is no need to rush into a relationship. Try living on your own, be independent and experience life before committing into a relationship.

You are going to have the rest of your life with your soulmate so before you find one, try to enjoy being single and appreciate all the "me time" that you have while you are single.

I am not trying to sound like a bit*ch but honestly, sometimes I do regret a little that I did not really live through the single life. I started dating when I was 18, had been together with the same guy for about 4 years but then things did not work out well. We ended the relationship and guess what? I was so desperate and I jumped into another relationship about 1 month after the break up. That was my biggest mistake that I have ever made in my life. I was broken, I was self destructive at that time and I thought being in a relationship would help me to get better but no. It did not get better and not only that, I got worse.

3 months later, I ended that relationship and I tried to embrace my single life. Instead of looking for another relationship, I focused on my job, took up a few hobbies and got to know myself again. Those were the best things that could ever happened to me. It felt great to have all the focus on yourself again.

Understand yourself first before you try to understand other. Love yourself first before you try to love other.

6. End toxic relationship.
I was once stuck in a toxic relationship but I didn't have the courage to walk out of it. All I could think of was "what am I going to do without him?", "will I ever be happy again if I leave him?", "what if we can change for the better?" and all sort of questions.

You know what?

Everything will be okay and trust me, everything will be even better. I don't know what you guys are going true and I understand that it is easier said than done; been there, done that. I couldn't find the courage to leave as well and my friends were kind enough to help me to walk out of it. They gave me a lot of courage and mental support, showing me that I would be just fine without him and everything would be even better if I ended the toxic relationship.

Yes, they were right, everything became so much better after I ended the toxic relationship. I then realized that sometimes it is not that we do not love each other but actually, we are not for each other. Sometimes you just have to let go and set yourself free because there is actually someone out there who is meant to be with you.

7. It's okay to fail.
I failed so many times before I got to where I am right now. At first I thought it was the end of the world for me but then as I grew older, I realized that failures don't define you at all. It doesn't mean that once you fail, you will forever be a failure. It does not matter how many times you fail, as long as you get up from where you fall and keep moving, that is all that matters.

The courage to get up and keep moving are enough to prove that you are not a failure. There will be always ups and downs in life and that is what makes life so exciting. Treat everything in life as a challenge to yourself, just like how you play your favourite game. What do you do when you fail at certain level of the game? You try again, right? Yeah, that is what you should do in life too. You fail, you try again and soon you will succeed.

If you do not get it right at the first time, do not worry, just keep trying. Eventually, you will get there, I promise.

8. Don't stop learning.
Knowledge is limitless and through learning, that is what keeps you growing.

9. Treat yourself.
Sometimes people tend to get so busy in life and they often forget to treat themselves a little bit. Treat yourself sometimes because you deserve it.

Splurge a little once in a while, just get that handbag that you have been eyeing on for some time.

Have a few cheat days every now and then, just eat that cupcake or ice-cream.

Have a few rest days in a month, just stay in and put your sweatpants on for the whole day.

Always remember that at the end of the day, no one will ever treat you better than you treat yourself .

10. Slow down.
Life is not a race.

Sometimes you just gotta stop rushing and slow down a little. You will realize how beautifully you are surrounded by this amazing life.

Slow down, life is not about rushing to the finishing point because there is no finishing point. Life is all about enjoying the ride into the unknown.

11. It's okay to feel fear.
When you fear of something, don't worry because that simply means something great is coming up. Don't let fear stop you from getting what you want.

12. Dare to dream.
Sometimes even the wildest dream comes true.

Who cares if people think that your dream is unrealistic? It is your dream and you are in charge of your own dream. As long as you keep moving towards your dream, eventually, one day you will achieve it because no dream or goal is out of your reach.

13. Health is your #1 priority.
Having a healthy body is another luxury that money cannot buy.

Don't forget to put your health as your number 1 priority by eating healthy and staying active. Trust me, your future self will thank you later.

14. Travel often.
Take some time off from your life by traveling, travel to places to unwind and recharge yourself. Travel also helps to open your eyes and mind, allows you to see a different side of the world through a very different kind of perspective.

I love to travel and I made a promise to myself that I would travel at least twice a year. Through traveling, you are able to experience the different cultures or lives that others are living in. To me, one of best things about traveling is that I get to taste all the delicious local dishes which I cannot find in my homeland and that is quite amazing.

15. Regret of not buying something is painful than the regret of buying something.
Okay, maybe this only applies to me or to some shopaholics out there and I do not even know whether lesson #15 even makes sense. It is up to you to judge on how true this is, haha!

If you are a shopaholic like me, you know the pain of regretting of not buying something that you like; been there, done that. I learned my lesson when I felt so regret of not getting the dress that I liked and in the end, the dress was sold out. That pain I felt taught me a lesson; if you really want something then just get it, provided that I don't burn a huge hole in my wallet.

I am not trying to encourage you girls to splurge on every item that you find cute in store. What I am trying to say is that if you really like something that you find, something that you think would be useful for you or something that would not burn a huge hole in your wallet then by all means, just get it before it is gone. But if thoughts like "it is wasting money" or "I do not need this" come across your mind then just walk away.

Or maybe I should say it like this, purchase with limit, haha!

16. Cherish your friendship.
Friends are family you choose.

It is a blessing to have friends that will actually love you and care for you like you are part of their family. Never forget to cherish each and every friendship that you have in life and never ever take them for granted because great friends are hard to come by.

17. Be grateful.
Someone else may have it worse than you, you will never know. Be grateful for what you have right now because maybe out there in the world, someone is hoping to have a life like yours.

Always remember that if you have a roof over your head when it is raining outside, a meal on your table when you are feeling hungry and a bed to sleep in when you are feeling tired, actually you are richer than you think and you should be grateful for that.

18. Read a book.
Immerse yourself in reading and let your imagination soar.

I picked up reading as one of my hobbies about a year ago and I really like how I am able to learn and improve my language or vocabulary by just reading itself.

Try to have some quite "me time" a day by just reading and slowly, you will realize that reading can actually broaden your knowledge and creativity.

19. Smile =)
Just smile, you don't own all the problems in the world. Plus a smile is the best makeup a girl can wear. 😊

20. Be yourself.
Weird, awkward or quirky? So what? That is you and you are supposed to be you, yourself.

Don't change yourself because someone finds you different; we are meant to be different from each other and that is why everyone is unique in their own way.

21. Be kind.
Be kind to every person that you meet because you know nothing about the life battle that they are in. Being kind to people is enough to put a smile one their faces.

22. Don't stress too much.
Don't stress, have faith because everything will turn out to be just fine. Just try your best, do whatever that you can do and let faith guide your way.

I tend to feel stressed over the teeny tiny things in life but slowly, I understand and realize that sometimes the things that I was stressed about earlier were nothing. Seriously nothing, just a small issue that can be solved easily.

When you are feeling stressed, stay calm, take a deep breath and clear your mind a little, remember that there is nothing in this world that you cannot solve or do.

23. Whatever you do, always give 100%.
Because the size of your effort is all that matters, not the end result.

24. Family always first.
Family will always be there when you need them, be your shoulder for you to cry on and be your listener when no one hears you. Through good times and bad times, they will not be the one who will abandon you.

As I grew older and started being busy with my own life, I realized that my time with my family are getting lesser and lesser. It makes me really happy and excited every time when I go home to be with my family. My mom will cook all of my favourite dishes and my siblings will "annoy" me to the max. We will together go for a shopping spree, spend the whole night chatting in bed and laugh at the lamest jokes.

Never forget all the things that your family has done for you, all the sacrifices that your family has made for you and all the laughter that your family has brought to you.

Always bear in mind that when you are so busy growing up, at the same time, they are also growing older. Cherish and appreciate every minute you have with them.

25. YOLO.
You only live once, you are allowed to do whatever that makes you happy, of course, as long as it is not against the law then it should be fine. 😂

How many 25 will you have in a lifetime?

Phew, I actually had to squeeze my tiny brain and think hard on what have I learned throughout the years. There are definitely more than these but these are what I can remember the most.

Y'all know sometimes life hits you freaking hard and you can't help but to remember all the life lessons, haha!

So yeah, the 25 life lessons that life has taught me so far. 

I am grateful for all the life experiences or lessons that I have gained so far because those have helped to shape me for who I am today. Thank you.

But do you mind not hitting me so damn hard next time? 

That is it for today's post.
Thank you for stopping by and I shall update you guys soon!

Happy New Year Bloggies!


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