Tuesday 16 July 2013

# travel

Bali Trip #1

Hello people! 
I'm back from a super duper long holiday and in fact, I'm still on holiday because I'm a jobless person! ='(
But have no fear! I will get a job soon, I believe. 
Close your eyes and pray for me. ;)
Thank you very much! 

During my long long holiday, my friends and I went to Bali! 
Our very first overseas trip with BFFs. It was freaking AWESOME! 

All thanks to ShuWen because she is the one who managed to get us super cheap flight ticket.
Before she got us the cheap flight ticket, we did plan to go Bali but the price of the flight ticket was a little expensive. 
If I'm not mistaken, it was about RM300++, not sure whether it was a one-way ticket or a two-way ticket but either of those tickets, it was still expensive. 

Then, a miracle happened! 
That's a two-way ticket which only cost RM186.00!
How awesome is that? 

Pack your bags people!
We are flying to Bali!

For about 3 hours of flight and I couldn't feel my back and we were so hungry at that time. 
You know, plane food so better wait till we land first. 
Our driver came to pick us up from the airport and straight we went to our hotel, Bali Summer Hotel

Bali Summer Hotel.
That's our hotel in Kuta.
p/s: Those bags in the picture are not belong to us.

 Checked into our hotel.
That's ZiJia with the red backpack and that's our lovely driver. 

Once we've checked into the hotel room, threw all the luggage bags aside and jumped onto the bed! 
We were tired and hungry and smelly too!
But we needed food, we were hungry. 
So food hunting!
YuYan told us there is this restaurant called Bamboo Corner selling food at a very cheap price. 
We walked from our hotel to search for this restaurant. 
Walking without knowing the direction was super tough. We really didn't know which direction is which so we just kept on walking for I don't know how long it was.  

And finally, Bamboo Corner restaurant,
That's me and ZiJia, we both have red bags. 

It's just a small restaurant but the food are great and the price is really cheap.
Don't ask me how much because I forgot. >.<
I should have took the picture of the menu. 
I have a really short-term memory. But I can assure you guys that the food selling there is cheap, real cheap. 
That is where we had our first meal in Bali. 

Curry fish and mango juice. 
Really cheap and delicious food. 

After our late dinner, we were so tired.
We didn't even have the mood to take picture because our faces looked so tired and dirty. All sweaty and oily faces. x.X
So we saved all the pictures for the next day!

Stay tune for my next blog post.
It would be our second day in Bali with lots of pictures!


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